Server Canyon

Hello. This is probably not what you expected to see here. That’s OK.

What Was It?

Server Canyon was a means to an end, and that was keeping me financially stable through uncertain times. It was a small but reliable source where some effort up front could result in passive income over time. It wasn’t perfect by any means.

Why Did It Have To Go?

To put it bluntly, I simply didn’t have the time to dedicate to it anymore. I couldn’t do both my job and a side hustle. Especially in emergencies when my time would be needed the most.

After a series of emergencies requesting more time than I had to give, resulting in many unhappy customers that I had known for years, I decided it was best for everyone if I wrapped up shop. It was time to pull the band-aid off.

What Has Become Of It Now?

The name is nothing more than a “doing business as” title that means nothing. All the actual servers have been in cold shutdown for a long time. The bank account closed.

Contact Enquiries

I am paying for email hosting for another short while. If something important comes up email me. My business address is “my name” @ “the domain we are talking about” dot com.