Welcome To My Blog
Bee Box!
You can’t have bees without having a home for them.
Granny’s Slippers
A cozy pair of knit slippers made from an easy to remember pattern. May your toes never be cold!
The Bee-venture
I have decided to take up beekeeping. Click into the post for a silly picture of me in a bee suit.
Honey Garlic… Again!
A treat so nice I made it twice? So long story short I wanted to give another go at honey-garlic. I got some raw honey from the farmers market, grabbed some garlic from the grocery store, and found some adorable little jars for the fermentation process. The jars will take a week or two to…
The Universe Entrusted Me With A Pumpkin
Some time ago we had our lawn mowed. It’s a long story but we were in the process of saving up for a nice lawn mower and didn’t have the ability to mow our lawn ourselves. In any case, the lawn was mowed, then afterwards this mystery plant sprouted. Here’s my thinking. This plant saw…
The Mushrooms Of My Yard
This blog post is dedicated to the mushrooms I am finding in my back yard. I don’t know what kinds of mushrooms these are. Photogenic ones I suppose. I’ll update this page periodically if I find additional good ones.
Operation Spring Camp
In our preparation for a grand adventure we took our camper trailer to Spring Valley for a weekend. The night before we left we brought the trailer home to charge the batteries and load up. Then came the big day. We set out early to go de-winterize the water systems. We partially filled our fresh…
Fermented Honey Garlic
So my wife and I subscribe to a service called Every Plate. It’s a meal delivery service that sends you groceries for home-cooked meals every week. Its pretty great, but instead of sending just a few cloves of garlic where needed they send an entire head. This isn’t a huge deal, we eat a lot…
Refurbishing Old Switch
You might have read in the datacenter diary that a switch was failing, it had a bad fan. Clearly the device had to go, but I had hopes of refurbishing it. If anything, its a test-run of doing more of this. Just out of curiosity I popped the lid open. The fans look like pretty…