Tag: Mycology
The Mushrooms Of My Yard
This blog post is dedicated to the mushrooms I am finding in my back yard. I don’t know what kinds of mushrooms these are. Photogenic ones I suppose. I’ll update this page periodically if I find additional good ones.
Growing Oysters
I wanted to try my hand at growing oyster mushrooms. They are tasty and supposedly easy to grow. It cant be that hard, right? This blog post isn’t meant to be a comprehensive guide on how to do this, you can find better instructions on YouTube. If we try this again I’ll make a point…
Mushroom In December
It rained for a few days and these appeared apparently out of nowhere. Wild that they can grow so late in the year. Also featured, puppy snoots.
Yellow Mushroom
While out with my family gathering firewood, I stumbled upon some real nifty mushrooms. There must have been a hundred or more all growing out of one dead tree.
Mushroom Picking
It’s springtime and that means it is time to go pick mushrooms. Morels are my personal favorite. They grow anywhere (in North Idaho at least) where a wildfire burned through a forrest the previous year, and typically pop up once it hits 70F outside.If you ever wondered why people keep such a close eye on…