Welcome To My Blog

  • Yellow Mushroom

    Yellow Mushroom

    While out with my family gathering firewood, I stumbled upon some real nifty mushrooms. There must have been a hundred or more all growing out of one dead tree.

  • A Failing Switch

    Datacenter Diary #1 Im starting off a new category on my blog, “Datacenter Diary.” It basically just chronicles my adventures in the “Server Canyon” (or other) realm. In this post I recount dealing with our first major hardware failure. Hardware failure happens all the time, but this was a single-point-of-failure device. Our main backbone switch.…

  • Peas

    Thats it. Thats the post. Just some pea flowers.

  • Mushroom Picking

    It’s springtime and that means it is time to go pick mushrooms. Morels are my personal favorite. They grow anywhere (in North Idaho at least) where a wildfire burned through a forrest the previous year, and typically pop up once it hits 70F outside.If you ever wondered why people keep such a close eye on…

  • First!

    Well, not really first. I am starting over with my blog. I liked where I was going and the direction I had with my old blog, but since it wasn’t maintained it fell into disrepair. The point of the blog was to be a flashy “look I’m smart” for job recruiters, but screw them. I…